Culture shock is setting in. I got up super early to add a class in Academic Registration, all the way on the other side of campus. Before this, though, I needed approval from the dean’s office of the business school. I got there at 7:55, and found out the office opened at 9. Finally, at 9:07 they told me to turn in my papers and come back in an hour. I replied “I’ll wait right here.” After that whole fiasco, I was told it would be ok to walk in late on the first day, so I headed to class and sat in the 2nd row, to the sound of a professor speaking in Chinese, and a room full of students that went “ooooh (because of the language thing)”
Mr. Wong asked if I was in the right class, switched to English speaking, and asked if I had the notes off of “moodle,” which is like blackboard back home. I said no, and some kind person passed an extra copy down to me. Cost accounting then carried on to a review of production budgets and direct materials usage..blah blah blah. I liked the class, but I didn’t have my calculator when we did examples. During the break (3 hour class) he asked if I would mind switching to his Tuesday section, since other international students would be there. I didn’t mind at all—as long as he force added me, because there were no spots left. He seemed to think it was worth it, so he could speak in Chinese on Mondays. This means I get to re-do the entire class tomorrow.
Ok, so class number two. This was international business, and others from my home university were enrolled as well. We sat near each other, and tried to pay attention to the professor, with the overwhelming sound of murmuring coming from ALL the rows behind us. Apparently, people here don’t mind whispering during the entire class. I thought I was coming to a culture that would pay attention and be quiet during lectures. I rested my hand over one ear, and turned the other to catch the lecture. We were all getting frustrated, to the point where I was about to laugh. I had to dig my fingernails into my palm to counteract the “laughing in a socially unacceptable situation” feeling. (Just like choir back in high school =) Anyways, I will be migrating to the first or second row for the rest of the semester.
As you can tell by this point, absolutely no exploring took place today. I am collecting things I will laugh about in the future.
leave it to the brown noser to sit in the front
OOOooooh, I probably wouldn't even know what that meant if you didn't evoke the name calling Mr.
WHITNEY!! I just found your will probably turn into another daily internet addiction for me! Your comment about high school choir made me laugh out loud. ohh good times! sounds like you're having an amazing time! Good luck! Love Melissa G.
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